EntertainmentEarth is also now taking pre-orders for a new wave of Star Wars Comic Packs! Wave 5 consists of three new 2-packs - Borsk Fey'la & Academy Wedge Antilles (Rogue Squadron #32), Luke Skywalker & Stealth Deena Shan (Rebellion #3), and Ki-Adi Mundi & Sharad Hett (Outlander). No pics yet, so no info on what's new and what's old in the sets.
New Comic Packs Pre-Order at EntertainmentEarth
EntertainmentEarth is also now taking pre-orders for a new wave of Star Wars Comic Packs! Wave 5 consists of three new 2-packs - Borsk Fey'la & Academy Wedge Antilles (Rogue Squadron #32), Luke Skywalker & Stealth Deena Shan (Rebellion #3), and Ki-Adi Mundi & Sharad Hett (Outlander). No pics yet, so no info on what's new and what's old in the sets.